Youth Ministry
Our schools actively assist our parishes in providing and promoting youth focused faith activities. Since 1996, Lakeland Catholic students in grades 5-12 have been supported in their faith journey by our youth ministry program which includes:
Youth Liturgical Leadership program (YLL)
SEARCH for Christian Maturity Weekend
The Youth Liturgical Leadership Program
This program provides students in grades 6-12 with the opportunity to grow in their knowledge of the basics of liturgy and develop their gifts and their ability to lead in one or more of the ministries whether it be music, reading or serving.
YLL Program Vision
Improve student and teacher understanding and appreciation of liturgy
Improve the quality of worship within schools
Give students meaningful involvement in liturgy now that we hope will result in their continued involvement in liturgy as they mature
Prepare youth-friendly liturgies that draw on the gifts of the youth
Opportunities for youth to offer their gifts to school and parish liturgy teams so that the voice of youth may be heard and that all liturgies are youth-friendly. **We emphasize youth-friendly liturgies rather than youth masses.
Students in grades 7-12 have the opportunity to experience and grow in their faith and relationship with God through a number of retreats. Groups such as the National Evangelization Team (NET) or speakers such as Ken Yasinski facilitate retreats at Assumption Junior/Senior High School, École Notre Dame High School and École Dr. Bernard Brosseau schools. Retreats at Holy Family School as well as grade-level retreats at other schools are planned and facilitated by the youth ministers and teams of teachers. Elementary students may also be provided with shorter mini-retreat experiences.
All grade 12 students attend a special retreat to help them reflect on their journey and prepare them for their graduation from high school.
SEARCH for Christian Maturity Weekend
Every spring, the youth ministry teams in Lakeland Catholic School District and parishes organize a SEARCH weekend that is open to all students 15 years of age and older.
SEARCH for Christian Maturity is essentially a weekend experience where young people gather together to form an intense, joy-filled Christian community. It is designed to facilitate the individual’s questioning for ultimate meaning and value in life. Guided by a team of young adults and a priest and surrounded by their peers, youth are able to feel that they are not alone and that many others share their faith, problems and concerns.