With the increasing presence of technology in education, our division's proactive procedures and creative classroom strategies have effectively managed cell phone and social media use in our schools.

Our schools' cell phone use procedures are detailed in their Student Code of Conduct, accessible to both students and staff via their websites, and specify appropriate times for cell phone use, as well as the expected behavior regarding cell phone use in school. 

Our division's proactive stance on cell phone use has successfully prevented them from becoming a distraction to learning.

On Monday, Alberta’s Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides announced new provincial standards surrounding cell phone and social media use during instructional time. These standards will be implemented September 1, 2024.

Lakeland Catholic will be reviewing our current procedures and strategies around cell phone use and social media to ensure they align with these newly released standards.

For more information on the Government of Alberta’s announcement, click here.

Minister of Education - Letter to Parents

Alberta Education - Frequently Asked Questions