Lakeland Catholic School Division
August 22, 2024
Each month, Lakeland Catholic School Division highlights the exceptional learning experiences occurring at all our schools.
Join us in recognizing the wonderful programs, events, and opportunities taking place across our division!
École Notre Dame Elementary
Kindness Club
A Kindess Club was created by a group of Grade 3 students, ensuring that everyone had someone to play with at recess. This initiative promotes a caring and inclusive school environment.
This aligns with Priority One: Catholic Christian Identity and Priority Four: Learning Supports.
Sports Day
Students partiticpated in various actvities and relays during the school’s Sports Day. Exciting activities included a parachute game, three-legged races, and tug-of-war games.
This aligns with Priority Four: Learning Supports.
Grade 4 Farewell
As family, friends, and members of the school gathered, students put their hard work on display through their musical performance on the recorder. The room was filled with pride and joy as the Grade 4 students were honoured for their achievements and on their new journey to Grade 5.
This aligns with Priority Two: Student Growth and Achievement.
Dr. Brosseau Middle School
Student Awards Ceremony
Dr. Brosseau School held an evening awards ceremony honoring the hard work and perseverance of their students throughout the academic year. Many achievements were acknowledged highlighting a diverse range of accomplishments.
This aligns with Priority 2: Student Growth and Achievement.
Grade 8 Farewell
A heartfelt Grade 8 ceremony took place for students, staff and families. Teachers shared cherished memories from the year, reflecting on academic successes and shared experiences. The evening concluded with farewells and best wishes, emphasizing pride in each students’ accomplishments and optimism for their futures.
This aligns with Priority Two: Student Growth and Achievement.
École Notre Dame High School
École Notre Dame High School honoured their students’ achievements with an awards cermony. Students were recognized for their academic and athletic accomplishments, with their friends, family, and school community gathering to celebrate.
This aligns with Priority Two: Student Growth and Achievement.
Grade 8 Visit to NDHS
NDHS held an open house tour for Grade 8 students and their families. Families had the opportunity to meet the staff as well a take a peek at what incredible and unique learning opportunities NDHS has to offer.
This aligns with Priority Four: Learning Supports and Priority Five: Teaching and Leading.
Holy Cross Elementary School
Lion King Kids - A Spring Musical
A talented and entertaning Spring Musical performance took place at Holy Cross Elementary School. Congratulations to all the performers, teachers and parents who contributed to this event.
This aligns with the Priority Four: Learning Supports .
First Communion
Congratulations to Holy Cross Elementary’s First Communion Candidates.
This aligns with the Priority One: Catholic Christian Identity
Reconciliation Rock Garden
HCE Reconciliation Rock Garden received a much-needed refresh. The rock garden now features the colors of the Medicine Wheel. As students painted rocks, they learned that the Medicine Wheel is a special symbol used by many Indigenous cultures in North America to represent directions, seasons, stages of life, races on Mother Earth, and elements.
This aligns with Priority Three: First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) and Priority Four: Learning Supports .
St. Dominic Elementary School
Mental Health Activity Day
In support of Mental Health Matters, St. Dominic Elementary emphasized the importance of outdoor engagement. This initiative included a variety of outdoor activities that highlighted the benefits of spending time in nature, such as reducing stress, improving mood, and enhancing overall mental health.
This aligns with the Priority Four: Learning Supports .
FNMI Connections
St. Dominic Elementary invited Indigenous dancers to their school as part of their Indigenous Peoples Day presentation. The staff and students joined together for a dance making it an unforgettable experience.
This aligns with Priority Three: First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI).
Farewell Mass
Staff and students engaged in a school mass with Fr. Nong, sharing meaningful messages and blessings as students prepare to embark on the next year of their educational journey.
This aligns with Priority One: Catholic Christian Identity.
Assumption Jr/Sr High School
Track and Field 
A record number of students competed in Track and Field this year. Junior athletes participated in both ward and district competitions, while the senior high team won the 2A Zone Championships! Congratulations to all the athletes.
This aligns with Priority Four: Learning Supports.
National Indigenous Peoples Day
Assumption Jr/Sr High School participated in community events hosted by Cold Lake First Nations for National Indigenous Peoples Day.
This aligns with Priority Three: First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI).
Athletic Banquet and Awards
An Athletic Banquet was held on June 18 celebrating all the students’ athletic achievements throughout the school year. On June 27 a year end awards ceremony took place honoring academic awards, scholarships and special awards.
This aligns with Priority Four: Learning Supports and Priority Two: Student Growth and Achievement.
Light of Christ Catholic School
Water Fun Day
Light of Christ School Council celebrated staff and students’ hard work this year with some sweet treats from an ice cream truck. The school commemorated a great year of learning and growth with a water fun day. Students engaged in grade level groupings to build relationships and increase their physical and mental health.
This aligns with Priority Four: Learning Supports.
Jr. and Sr. High Awards
Light of Christ Catholic School honored both Jr. and Sr. High students with an awards celebration. Families had the opportunity to show support for their students, and all their hard work.
This aligns with Priority Two: Student Growth and Achievement.
Mass and Multicultural Lunch
Families joined staff and students at St.Catherine’s Parish for mass and a celebration of the many cultures that are represented within our LoC community. The school celebrated Christian Unity and all of the similarities that bring them together as Children of God and ended the year in communion and by breaking bread together!
This aligns with Priority One: Catholic Christian Identity and Priority Four: Learning Supports.
Holy Family Catholic School
Final Field Trips 
The final field trips of the year occurred with Kindergarten going to Victoria Settlement Provincial Historic Site, and Grades 1 to 4 going to the Muttart Conservatory and the Legislative grounds.
This aligns with Priority Four: Learning Supports
School Council Sponsored BBQ
HFCS celebrated the end of the year with their School Council sponsored BBQ and movie night. Complete with fresh popcorn, it was an evening of laughter and joy.
This aligns with Priority Four: Learning Supports
Indigenous Peoples Day
Indigenous Peoples Day was recognized with students making dreamcatchers. The cultural appreciation will continue into the next school year as the project continues. This also symbolically represents that reconciliation is a continuing process.
This aligns with Priority Three: First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI)